
New Year

Midds and I decided to finish 2008 indulging in good food, good coffee and good times.

Parmesan for those who know...

I gave Midds back this shirt which I desperately needed to wear skateboarding one day... about 5 years ago.  He finally got it back and was thoroughly stoked.  It got put straight on.  This gourmet melting chocolate nougat 70's "I just finished shooting a porno on the beach, someone hand me a cigar I'm now officially on holidays" shirt is 100% polyester!  I think he established a sweat just sitting back down.  Fresh!

The sandwiches were gourmet.

Pretty stoked I guess.

I am gonna say...  probably the shittest basketball court I have seen.

Pic of the day.

I rode down to meet the posse at the park.

Posse was good.

Thumbs up from Diversal.

Ducky tried to give us a thumbs up but his shit had been skinned from falling whilst carrying a box of beer.

Fabio was high.

Mavis was euphoric..again.

We had the hell tough bike gang riding down the street hooting and howling and scaring bystanders.  Riley was the main instigator of scaring the innocent.  Look at him... definitely hatching some evil...  I think he just killed someone with a sharp stick..

This bird obviously thought I was hilarious.  Grouse.

Nami broke the new year in with finding a new..
Pimp Beige Leather Jacket!
It's gonna be a good year!!  THUG LIFE.

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Been eating chicken since the 60's... and it's still good.