
That Was My Birthday?

My nephew Ben.  


"Shit!...   Have I lost a finger?"

"Just kidding!..."

"Let's ROCK!"

Here is a first hand example of when brilliant kids get better...

Brainjuice dropped by.


Mmmm... Used Tasting Spoons on the counter!

So many options...

Scoots made himself quite at home with the local
pub/pokies venue's complimentary beverages and
whipped a little English Breakfast blend for
himself after dinner...

"I say...  Juice old boy...  have you another gold coin in
which I can continue this frivolous gambling spree...
I have already put in a "fiver" as they say!"

"And these flannelette shirts you worker types wear are truly a sturdy acquisition!"

"I am quite toasty, I'll say."

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Been eating chicken since the 60's... and it's still good.